Apr 7, 2013

Stella Splendens Album

Stella Splendens is another album already out in conditions typical of Nomen Est Omen, namely a project carried out within five days, between two tours. The Ensemble performed some concerts extremely well received by the public in the Hunyad Castle from Hunedoara, many people asking, later inquiring about albums. Being the first contract in that city, for a first edition of the festival, stage appearance was not accompanied by the usual media campaign or stand for compact discs. Public interest has led to the idea of multiplying a new batch of albums Witchcraze for next weekend's festival, where Nomen Est Omen was to perform several concerts. Returned to Bucharest in a Monday just to leave next Thursday (evening) to Mures, Nomen Est Omen members have decided to remain in the studio and started to record another album, with songs from the tours repertoire because three years had elapsed from the previous one, anyway into circulation from some time ago in Targu Mures and Sighisoara. For the new project was contacted old friend and collaborator, George Pătrănoiu, that did the postprocessing of the first Nomen Est Omen nine years before. Recordings were made over three days and nights in July 2005, a period of hot weather with temperatures above 40 degrees in the shade. A fourth day was intended for mastering, making the covers and multiplication of the first few hundred copies. The album was put on circulation the following days, at the famous medieval art festival in Sighisoara, again freely distributed. The contracts signed in the near future, some indirect result of the album Stella Splendens, have covered the costs of production. A notable event of this discographic step was that just before recording the first seconds of music, the lamp of a microphone burned, without any logical explanation to be found then or later. Microphone, a Brauner VM 1S, perfectly in function when tested before, could not be repaired anymore.


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